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Placeholder List

This Generator is made for the Placeholders List page of the PlaceholderAPI wiki.

Before you start...

Please make sure of the following:

  1. You forked the PlaceholderAPI repository
  2. You switched to the wiki branch of your fork.
  3. Your wiki branch (Or any branch you made from it) is up-to-date. [How to update]

To use this generator, input text into the different text fields.
The output field will automatically update once you fill out the required fields.

Additional notes

  • Remember to also add a new entry to the list of expansions at the top of the placeholders page.
  • Add ---- before and/or after your entry if there are other expansions listed before/after you. [Example]
  • If your expansion requires a plugin, make sure to also add this plugin to the Plugins using PlaceholderAPI page


Below is the generator that you can use to create the markdown required for the Placeholders Wiki Page.

* = Required